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Business Imperative THEME
Psychological Capital – Developing the Human Competitive Edge ~ facilitated by Jeff Dahms,
PhD student in Bellevue University’s Human Capital Management Program
In today’s business world, there is no shortage of “best-practices” aimed at helping organizations survive the war for talent. These survival skills may help organizations attract top talent, identify the traits needed in order to be successful, and ultimately put the right person in the right position, but they lack the ability to create a true competitive advantage within your workforce.
What if I told you there is an emerging area of research that goes deeper into positive psychology and moves beyond strengths based development?
What if I told you there was a way to increase employee potential using relatively brief training programs, on-the-job activities, and short, highly focused micro-interventions?
Enter Psychological Capital.
Psychological Capital is an individual’s positive psychological state of development and is characterized by one’s Self-Efficacy, Optimism, Hope, and Resiliency. It moves beyond understanding “who you are” and focuses on the impact of “who you are becoming”.
Come and participate as Jeff Dahms delivers a brief presentation on Psychological Capital, and then engages the audience in exercises designed to explore how to expand an individual’s hope, optimism, resiliency, and self-efficacy.
Jeff Dahms is currently a PhD student in Bellevue University’s Human Capital Management Program. Most recently Jeff has been accepted to present his research ideas on Psychological Capital and its connection to Evidence Based Management to the Midwest Academy of Management conference this fall.
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